Prophetic Journaling

Prophetic Journaling

Handout #1

This exercise is designed to help you grow in the prophetic gift. Becoming aware of the many ways in which God speaks and then learning to listen well is a process for most of us. Journaling daily and concluding each week with a personal evaluation will help you “grow”!

I recommend choosing the right journal for you!

  • Consider size, weight, line spacing (if lined at all), binding, and even style. Size and weight matter if you plan to travel with your journal-even if only to the coffee shop! Line spacing and binding and even color can be distracting and discomforting. Lastly, let the color and style of the journal “speak” to you about the season you are in.


  • Each morning
    • Invite Holy Spirit to speak to you about your day
      • What to expect-the days happenings
      • How to co-operate with what he wants to do
      • What are you to focus on today?
    • Ask him what to “prophesy” over your day. Say whatever he says!
      Record the ‘word” in your journal.
    • Record all prophetic experiences
      • Word’s and scriptures you “hear” for yourself or others
      • Dreams
      • Visions or pictures
    • Record level of awareness of God’s presence
    • Record any questions you in regards to the prophetic and ask God to “speak” to you about them. Record what he says.

Weekly Evaluation

  • Review this week’s daily entries
  • What is The Lord doing in you?
  • What are you learning?
  • What are the challenges you are encountering?
  • How have you seen God moving in your life and the lives of people around you?
  • What is the overall message God has given you for this week?
  • Is there any action that should be taken in response to this message?

Prophecy: The Prophetic Gifts

Handout #2


Prophecy is a gift of The Holy Spirit. His empowering presence in us manifests the gifts through us. It is to be used to edify (build up), exhort (call near), and console (cheer up/comfort) others. Its primary purpose is to encourage the church and God’s people, but it also reveals hearts by bringing revelation of the reality of God causing a person to “fall on their face, worship God, and confess that God is really among you” (1 Cor. 12-14)

To encourage means to instill with courage, to give hope and confidence, to spur a person or people on to move forward, to assist something to occur or increase, to foster growth. It means to help inspirit, embolden, hearten with courage and strength of purpose by raising ones confidence. Inspirit means to instill life, energy, or vigor into someone or something. Hearten means to lift dispiritedness or despondency by the infusion of fresh courage or zeal. Embolden means to give courage sufficient to overcome timidity or reluctance.

Prophecy has 3 parts: Revelation, Interpretation, and Application.

  1. Revelation is the prophectic word, picture, vision, etc. itself received from God.
  2. Interpretation is the meaning and import of the revelation.
  3. Application is the “to-do” part, the implementation––the way the revelation and its’ interpretation is to apply to a person or group––the action to be taken in response to what has been revealed.

Prophecy Defined

Prophecy is the revelatory process of hearing God’s voice and speaking His words. It is receiving divine revelation directly to the heart and having revelatory words placed in the mouth by the Holy Spirit to be given as a divine message from God directed to individuals, churches, people groups, a nation, etc. These messages can be forth-telling in that they interpret present events and circumstances from a divine perspective or fore-telling in that they reveal what the future holds according to divine perspective to help guide and counsel according to divine will. They can be spoken spontaneously and conversationally or specially and specifically prepared as writings of various kinds (i.e., teachings, sermons, books, letters) under the direction of the Holy Spirit. (Dr. Kim Maas, Prophetic Community)

Simply stated, prophecy is hearing from God and saying what He is saying.

Fore-telling and Forth-telling

Prophecy is the forth-telling and fore-telling of God’s heart, will, ways and works.

  • Foretelling-Divine revelation regarding future circumstances and events.
  • Forth-telling-Identifying and interpreting what God has done/is doing thus giving divine perspective to natural circumstances, times, and seasons making room for God’s preferred future.

The Prophetic Gifts

Word of Knowledge– A divinely received specific fact or information about a person, place, or event. Most often God gives a word of knowledge in order to gain the hearing and build the faith of the one to whom God desires to speak (Jn 4:16-19, 1 Cor 14:24-25).

Word of Wisdom- A divinely received revelation regarding the will, plan, or purpose of God for a specific situation. The word can be directional in nature giving insight on what needs to be done (Acts 27).

Discerning of Spirits-A Divinely received ability to distinguish between different types of spirits and motivating influences i.e. angelic, demonic, human, or Holy Spirit (Acts 16:17-18).

This exercise is designed to help you grow in the prophetic gift. Becoming aware of the many ways in which God speaks and then learning to listen well is a process for most of us. Journaling daily and concluding each week with a personal evaluation will help you “grow”!

I recommend choosing the right journal for you!

  • Consider size, weight, line spacing (if lined at all), binding, and even style. Size and weight matter if you plan to travel with your journal-even if only to the coffee shop! Line spacing and binding and even color can be distracting and discomforting. Lastly, let the color and style of the journal “speak” to you about the season you are in.


  • Each morning
    • Invite Holy Spirit to speak to you about your day
      • What to expect-the days happenings
      • How to co-operate with what he wants to do
      • What are you to focus on today?
    • Ask him what to “prophesy” over your day. Say whatever he says! Record the ‘word” in your journal.
    • Record all prophetic experiences
      • Word’s and scriptures you “hear” for yourself or others
      • Dreams
      • Visions or pictures
    • Record level of awareness of God’s presence
    • Record any questions you in regards to the prophetic and ask God to “speak” to you about them. Record what he says.

Weekly Evaluation

  • Review this week’s daily entries
  • What is The Lord doing in you?
  • What are you learning?
  • What are the challenges you are encountering?
  • How have you seen God moving in your life and the lives of people around you?
  • What is the overall message God has given you for this week?
  • Is there any action that should be taken in response to this message?

Prophecy: The Prophetic Gifts

Handout #2


Prophecy is a gift of The Holy Spirit. His empowering presence in us manifests the gifts through us. It is to be used to edify (build up), exhort (call near), and console (cheer up/comfort) others. Its primary purpose is to encourage the church and God’s people, but it also reveals hearts by bringing revelation of the reality of God causing a person to “fall on their face, worship God, and confess that God is really among you” (1 Cor. 12-14)

To encourage means to instill with courage, to give hope and confidence, to spur a person or people on to move forward, to assist something to occur or increase, to foster growth. It means to help inspirit, embolden, hearten with courage and strength of purpose by raising ones confidence. Inspirit means to instill life, energy, or vigor into someone or something. Hearten means to lift dispiritedness or despondency by the infusion of fresh courage or zeal. Embolden means to give courage sufficient to overcome timidity or reluctance.

Prophecy has 3 parts: Revelation, Interpretation, and Application.

  1. Revelation is the prophectic word, picture, vision, etc. itself received from God.
  2. Interpretation is the meaning and import of the revelation.
  3. Application is the “to-do” part, the implementation––the way the revelation and its’ interpretation is to apply to a person or group––the action to be taken in response to what has been revealed.

Prophecy Defined

Prophecy is the revelatory process of hearing God’s voice and speaking His words. It is receiving divine revelation directly to the heart and having revelatory words placed in the mouth by the Holy Spirit to be given as a divine message from God directed to individuals, churches, people groups, a nation, etc. These messages can be forth-telling in that they interpret present events and circumstances from a divine perspective or fore-telling in that they reveal what the future holds according to divine perspective to help guide and counsel according to divine will. They can be spoken spontaneously and conversationally or specially and specifically prepared as writings of various kinds (i.e., teachings, sermons, books, letters) under the direction of the Holy Spirit. (Dr. Kim Maas, Prophetic Community)

Simply stated, prophecy is hearing from God and saying what He is saying.

Fore-telling and Forth-telling

Prophecy is the forth-telling and fore-telling of God’s heart, will, ways and works.

  • Foretelling-Divine revelation regarding future circumstances and events.
  • Forth-telling-Identifying and interpreting what God has done/is doing thus giving divine perspective to natural circumstances, times, and seasons making room for God’s preferred future.

The Prophetic Gifts

Word of Knowledge– A divinely received specific fact or information about a person, place, or event. Most often God gives a word of knowledge in order to gain the hearing and build the faith of the one to whom God desires to speak (Jn 4:16-19, 1 Cor 14:24-25).

Word of Wisdom- A divinely received revelation regarding the will, plan, or purpose of God for a specific situation. The word can be directional in nature giving insight on what needs to be done (Acts 27).

Discerning of Spirits-A Divinely received ability to distinguish between different types of spirits and motivating influences i.e. angelic, demonic, human, or Holy Spirit (Acts 16:17-18).