Sample Prophetic Community Guidelines for Individuals
To be effective in any ministry we must endeavor, by the grace of God, to “walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God” (Colossians 1:10).
It is important for each individual to understand and be personally responsible to a set of guidelines which maintain best pratices for effective and healthy prophetic community.
The 4 C’s and 8 Be’s of Healthy Prophetic Ministry:
4 Cs
- Stay committed to personal spiritual growth and development in intimacy with the Lord and in your gifts and call.
- Stay in communion with the body and those God has placed in your life for personal and prophetic accountability and responsibility.
- Stay clear regarding the mission and call on your life.
- Stay clean regarding personal habits and lifestyle, offenses, and division. Remember, character counts.
8 Be’s
- Be intentional to attend to purity in your life and lifestyles.
- Be willing to use your gifts to strengthen, encourage, and comfort others at all times.
- Be willing to risk being wrong and to growing from every success and failure.
- Be available to hear honest evaluations and constructive critiques.
- Be willing to own your mistakes, admit your part, and apologize.
- Be willing to submit to those God has placed in leadership and oversight over you.
- Be instant in repentance and forgiveness, humility and love, service and celebration.
- Be transparent about your life, struggles, and dreams.